Friday, January 9, 2015

Five on Friday

I love the Five on Friday posts I've seen in the blog-o-sphere so I decided to bring it back here this year!! Yeah, I only actually did it once before, but it's a new year so let's get it going again shall we!!! This week, I'm sharing my guilty pleasures!!! Judgement free zone here so if you feel like sharing yours I'm all for it (and who knows we might have some in common or you might introduce me to some new ones)!!!

1. It's only one episode in but I am loving Donnie Loves Jenny on A&E. Besides the fact that I'm a totally NKOTB fan (no judgement remember), I'd really just like to spend the day with these two. I have a feeling it would be full of laughs. And I mean the full on, belly laughs that make you feel like you're going to pee your pants. And hey, everyone needs to laugh like that sometimes!!! I for see this show being a big time favorite among my reality tv shows!!!

2. Divergent. We rented the movie one evening a few months ago and had it for 48 hours. I proceeded to watch it two more times in the remaining time that we had it, then proceeded to purchase it on Blue Ray and watch it a few more times before moving on to something else. I did the same thing a few summers ago with Mamma Mia. When I find a movie I really love, I watch it to death!! I haven't watched it in a while, but I am coming up on some time off from work next weekend and I am thinking this will go in the stack of movies I watch every year during these days off. I work through the holidays so I get comp days during a week in January. Nice long weekend after the craziness that is the holidays!!

3. The NFL playoffs!! I'm a HUGE NE Patriots fan and to say that I am excited about the game tomorrow is an understatement!!! Considering where everyone put us after week 4 (Monday Night Football slashing by the Chiefs), I LOVE that we finished the season 12-4 and are headed into the playoffs as #1 in the AFC and with homefield advantage!!! And for the record...I am NOT a Patriot fan because of Tom Brady!! I am a Tom F'in Brady fan because he's a Patriot (and it doesn't hurt his birthday is the day after mine...but he's a year older)!! And yes...I totally yell at the TV like they can hear me and my husband laughs at me. Every. Time!!!

4. M&M's. I am a weight watcher yes, but I refuse to stop eating anything!! Almost every week on the day of my weigh in (after my weigh in of course) I have a "share" size bag of M&M's. It's the size you get while in line at the checkout counter at the grocery store. Two servings per bag. And no, I don't share!! LOL!!!

5. Two words: Peanut Butter. As in, on a spoon, from the jar, into my belly. Because of this one, we do not keep peanut butter in the house, ever! This might just be the one food I mostly refuse to have in the house. I can say no once as I pass it in the grocery store. I can't say no to it as it's screaming my name from the pantry. I know it's a HUGE guilty pleasure (aka weakness) I avoid it as much as I can. There is not control for me when it comes to peanut butter! LOL!!!! We all have our vices!!!

Have a great Friday!!! Thanks for stopping by!

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