Saturday, January 3, 2015

weight watchers weekly

I'm a weight watcher and have been for just shy of 2 years. I started back for the third time on February 24th a week after I made the decision to start eating healthier and moving more (which happened on February 18th). I say I started for a third time because that's exactly what I did. I had done weight watchers several years ago and was pretty successful though never got to my goal weight. Life got in the way, well really my procrastination on my Master's Thesis got in the way, and I stopped going to meetings and the gym. The weight crept back on and a few years later I decided to give it a go again, but didn't last too long that second time. But this time, while it's been slow going, it's stuck and I'm really close to hitting my goal...which I am hoping to do by my 2 year Weight Watcher anniversary next month!!! Since I've only got about 4 pounds to go after having already lost 86 pounds (on the program...that first week I lost almost 5 going it I've really lost about 91 pounds so far)...I am pretty sure I can hit it!!!

I started the journey again because I had woken up on February 14, 2013 away on a business trip with the WORST knee pain ever!! I found out last year that I have knee cap arthritis in both knees so sitting down, standing up, going up and down stairs or ladders, all that brings some degree of pain. At the time back in 2013 I just knew the weight I had been forcing my body to carry wasn't helping my knees, so I immediately started making changes and jumped in fully that next Monday, the 18th. I knew it would be difficult for me to be successful on my own, so I went back to weight watchers for accountability sake!!! I went to meetings on Sunday afternoon religiously until it just wasn't fitting in my schedule and switched to Thursday mornings. When my work schedule changed about 6 months ago, I made the switch to Saturday morning meetings. I still pretty regularly to that day, but every now and again I will go to a Thursday meeting (usually because my work schedule dictates I make the switch). The meeting leader is the same for both days, so it works for me. Some weeks, like today, I use my no weigh-in pass. I know I need the meeting, but I don't want to see the number on the scale (thanks Christmas and New Years...I love you but I'm glad you're gone)!!! Most weeks though I can't wait to see the number because even if it's a small change from the week before, one thing I've learned is that it all adds up!!!

This time around, I have refused to not eat anything! If I want to eat something, I do. Giving up anything for me is not an option because I know there will come a time when I will eat it and I'll likely eat way too much of it since I made myself stop eating it!! So taking anything off the table was not happening. For me, this was a big reason I failed the previous 2 times. This time, my heart is 100% in the game!! I want to get to my goal of a healthy weight more than I've wanted anything in a long time. My ultimate weight goal is about 10 pounds less than my healthy weight, but once I get to my goal weight and maintain it for a while (to prove I can to myself) I'm going for my ultimate goal weight!!! This time I have been documenting my journey as another way to keep myself accountable. I'm a scrapbooker so putting pictures and words in an album to document the journey is not something I want left unfinished!! My album will only be complete once I've hit my goal weight and maintained it. I will likely document my journey to my ultimate weight goal but not to the extent I've documented the journey to a healthy weight!

Every week, I'm planning to share some aspect of my journey. The struggles and successes. This week I just wanted to share that I'm on the path to a healthier me and what path that is!! I'll likely also share some of my crafty stuff to. There's a lot of pages completed in my little album and since I'm beyond what I called my scary weight (the weight that once I got below I would put out there what I started at and where I currently was), I don't mind sharing those beginning photos and words. Everyone has to start somewhere, everyone takes that first scary step!! If you're on the journey, know you're not alone!!! But also know that you can do hard things!!!

Have a happy Saturday!!! Thanks for stopping by!!

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